Published an article on major selection as iteration and how gender differentiation is mediated by elective curriculums. See writings or download fulltext.
Bibliography on the institutional development of social science and humanities disciplines in Sweden made available on Zotero.
This is the place where Tobias Dalberg shares information about his work. He currently spends his time:
- Exploring and evaluating the utility of techniques from graph theory, natural language processing and geometric data analysis for analyzing pathways in higher education.
- Developing a methodology for analyzing social change such as structural and relative social mobility and shifts in occupational status.
- Using the notion of curricular blind spots to analyze gender differences in consideration and choice of courses in college.
Sociology of education defined I
Textanalys del I
Kommentar till diskussionen om likvärdighet i bedömningar, årgång 2021
A simulation of epidemic spread in a network of students and courses
A network of students and courses and its implications for epidemic spread
Are individual trajectories surprisingly unpredictable?
The political economy of higher education I
Stopp och belägg: Online-dejting och valfrihet
Metascience 2019
En lösning för skolmarknaden
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